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Erro ao compilar ACBr_GNRE.dpk

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Estamos adequando o nosso projeto ao trunk2 e não conseguimos compilar o pacote ACBr_GNRE.dpk

[DCC Warning] JwaWinNT.pas(9329): W1011 Text after final 'END.' - ignored by compiler
[DCC Warning] JwaWinType.pas(1855): W1011 Text after final 'END.' - ignored by compiler
[DCC Warning] pgnreGNRER.pas(96): H2164 Variable 'ok' is declared but never used in 'TGNRER.LerXml'
[DCC Warning] pgnreGNRER.pas(97): H2164 Variable 'j' is declared but never used in 'TGNRER.LerXml'
[DCC Warning] pgnreRetConsResLoteGNRE.pas(93): W1055 PUBLISHED caused RTTI ($M+) to be added to type 'TInfoCabec'
[DCC Warning] pgnreRetEnvLoteGNRE.pas(65): W1055 PUBLISHED caused RTTI ($M+) to be added to type 'TTretLote_GNRE'
[DCC Warning] pgnreConfigUF.pas(103): W1055 PUBLISHED caused RTTI ($M+) to be added to type 'TRetInfReceita'
[DCC Warning] pgnreConfigUF.pas(131): W1055 PUBLISHED caused RTTI ($M+) to be added to type 'TRetInfDetalhamentoReceita'
[DCC Warning] pgnreConfigUF.pas(149): W1055 PUBLISHED caused RTTI ($M+) to be added to type 'TRetInfProduto'
[DCC Warning] pgnreConfigUF.pas(167): W1055 PUBLISHED caused RTTI ($M+) to be added to type 'TRetInfPeriodoApuracao'
[DCC Warning] pgnreConfigUF.pas(185): W1055 PUBLISHED caused RTTI ($M+) to be added to type 'TRetInfTipoDocumentoOrigem'
[DCC Warning] pgnreConfigUF.pas(215): W1055 PUBLISHED caused RTTI ($M+) to be added to type 'TRetInfCampoAdicional'
[DCC Warning] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(233): W1055 PUBLISHED caused RTTI ($M+) to be added to type 'TWebServices'
[DCC Error] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(596): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'GNREEnviGNRE'
[DCC Error] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(657): E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'Execute' that can be called with these arguments
[DCC Error] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(710): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'ConfAmbiente'
[DCC Error] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(761): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'GNREConsResLote'
[DCC Error] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(824): E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'Execute' that can be called with these arguments
[DCC Error] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(875): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'ConfAmbiente'
[DCC Error] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(947): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'GNREConsResLote'
[DCC Error] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(1010): E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'Execute' that can be called with these arguments
[DCC Error] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(1070): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'ConfAmbiente'
[DCC Error] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(1121): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'GNREConsConfigUF'
[DCC Error] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(1182): E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'Execute' that can be called with these arguments
[DCC Error] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(1239): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'ConfAmbiente'
[DCC Error] ACBrGNRE2.pas(62): F2063 Could not compile used unit '..\..\..\..\Fontes\ACBrDFe\ACBrGNRE\ACBrGNREWebServices.pas'

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