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We update ACBr fonts in 26/09/2016, starting from a June 2015 version. We are in trunk2. After the update , we have a problem in printing the NFCe. Please look at the attacched PDF . Attacched you can also find the fast report file that we are using. This file comes from an old version of ACBr (around June 2015), and it is "standard", we did not modify anything. We cannot use the "new" fr3 because it is compiled with fast report 5.0 and we are still using 4.0

Could you please help us?

Many Thanks

Andrea, ITALY.




So, I did a BeyonCompare and for what I can see, in function TACBrNFeDANFEFR.PrepareReport(NFE: TNFe): Boolean;

1) You commented the linese:

//  if Assigned(ACBrNFe) then
//   if(TACBrNFe(ACBrNFe).Configuracoes.Geral.ModeloDF = moNFCe)then
//     FdmDanfe.frxReport.PrintOptions.PrintMode := pmSplit; 

2) You added this at the end:

  for i := 0 to FdmDanfe.frxReport.PreviewPages.Count - 1 do
    Page := FdmDanfe.frxReport.PreviewPages.Page;
    if MargemSuperior > 0 then
      Page.TopMargin    := MargemSuperior * 10;
    if MargemInferior > 0 then
      Page.BottomMargin := MargemInferior * 10;
    if MargemEsquerda > 0 then
      Page.LeftMargin   := MargemEsquerda * 10;
    if MargemDireita > 0 then
      Page.RightMargin  := MargemDireita * 10;
    FdmDanfe.frxReport.PreviewPages.ModifyPage(i, Page);


Uncommenting 1) and commenting 2) makes everything work again.




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