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Diego Foliene

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  1. Diego Foliene's post in MDFe - Envio Modo Síncrono como pegar o campos de retorno was marked as the answer   
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  2. Diego Foliene's post in Impressão NFe simplificada PDF itens com linha por cima da outra was marked as the answer   
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  3. Diego Foliene's post in Novo provedor na cidade de Divinopolis was marked as the answer   
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  4. Diego Foliene's post in Erro na hora de fazer download da imagem do captchar was marked as the answer   
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  5. Diego Foliene's post in TEF Gertec PPC 930 was marked as the answer   
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  6. Diego Foliene's post in Insucesso de entrega no CTe was marked as the answer   
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  7. Diego Foliene's post in Erro IPM was marked as the answer   
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  8. Diego Foliene's post in GNRE para acompanhar CT-e emitido no MT was marked as the answer   
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  9. Diego Foliene's post in Encoding das repostas da ACBrLibCTe was marked as the answer   
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  10. Diego Foliene's post in Alteração de Vencimento sem Juros - Banrisul Cnab 240 was marked as the answer   
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  11. Diego Foliene's post in xml nfce cst 61 monofasico - empresa do SIMPLES NACIONAL (txt para o ACBRMONITORPLUS) was marked as the answer   
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  12. Diego Foliene's post in Não está validando inscrição estadual em RO was marked as the answer   
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  13. Diego Foliene's post in Emissão de NF-e com produto com ICMS02 was marked as the answer   
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  14. Diego Foliene's post in Nome do arquivo PDF diferente do nome do arquivo XML usando a lib NFSe was marked as the answer   
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  15. Diego Foliene's post in Erro ao GerarToken - NFSe Provedor Prescon Vinhedo/SP was marked as the answer   
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  16. Diego Foliene's post in Porto Feliz SP was marked as the answer   
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  17. Diego Foliene's post in XML de envio do evento was marked as the answer   
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  18. Diego Foliene's post in Erro E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'CarregarImagem' that can be called with these arguments was marked as the answer   
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  19. Diego Foliene's post in Link para visualizar NFSE Nacional em homologação was marked as the answer   
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  20. Diego Foliene's post in Implementação de campo ExibirMunicipioDescarregamento ao DAMDFeConfig.cs was marked as the answer   
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  21. Diego Foliene's post in Atualização da Cidade de Cruzeiro do Sul/RS - 4306205 - ACBrNFSeXServicos.ini was marked as the answer   
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  22. Diego Foliene's post in AcbrLib NFC-e Rejeição no XML was marked as the answer   
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  23. Diego Foliene's post in Método no AcbrLib para retornar a quantidade de XML´s que estão carregados no componente. was marked as the answer   
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  24. Diego Foliene's post in Erro -13 ao carregar um xml ! was marked as the answer   
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  25. Diego Foliene's post in Status -1 ao chamar "DistribuicaoDFe" pela segunda vez was marked as the answer   
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