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Erro compilar ACBrSPED

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Acabei de atualizar o trunk2 e esta dando erro ao compilar o SPED.

D:\Fontes\Componentes\ACBr\Fontes\ACBrTXT\ACBrSPED\ACBrSPEDPisCofins\ACBrEPCBloco_0_Class.pas(712) Error: E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'IfThen' that can be called with these arguments
ACBr_SPED.dpk(67) Fatal: F2063 Could not compile used unit 'ACBrEPCBloco_0_Class.pas'
Compilation failure

João Paulo F. Bellucci

Analista e Programador

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Ainda encontrei mais alguns erros : no componente ACBr_GNRE :
'GNREEnviGNRE', 'ConfAmbiente','GNREConsResLote','ConfAmbiente','ConfAmbiente','GNREConsConfigUF' 

dá o seguinte erro  version of 'Execute' that can be called with these arguments
C:\Repositorio_trunk2\Fontes\ACBrDFe\ACBrGNRE\ACBrGNRE2.pas(62) Fatal: F2063 Could not compile used unit '..\..\..\..\Fontes\ACBrDFe\ACBrGNRE\ACBrGNREWebServices.pas'
Compilation failure

Para o \Fortes\ACBr_NFSeDanfseRL.dpk esses erros : 
There is no overloaded version of 'FormatDateTime' that can be called with these arguments
'FormatFloat' that can be called with these arguments
C:\Repositorio_trunk2\Fontes\ACBrDFe\ACBrNFSe\DANFSE\Fortes\ACBrNFSeDANFSeRLClass.pas(29) Fatal: F2063 Could not compile used unit '..\..\..\..\..\..\Fontes\ACBrDFe\ACBrNFSe\DANFSE\Fortes\ACBrNFSeDANFSeRLRetrato.pas'
Compilation failure

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